Moodle Workshops

22 Mart 2020
Dear Colleagues,
As we noted in our earlier announcements, training workshops for Moodle and the associated software for faculty members and assistants will be held starting on Tuesday, March 24. Please find here the description of and the syllabi for the workshops prepared by the faculty members who will facilitate those workshops.
Schedule for the workshops and registration information will be sent to you on Monday, March 23, 2020, but please be ready to participate in the workshops on March 24th, 25th and 26th. You will need an Internet access ( 10Mbits/sec or more), a computer with a microphone and a camera. You can join the workshops from your home or from the university premises. These trainings will take place over the next two weeks, during which the three workshops (Moodle 101, 201, and 301) will be offered at least twice. Therefore, you will need to attend between only 1-3 sessions in this two week period. The number of sessions you will need to attend is entirely up to you. Please have a look at the attached document, which may help you determine your level and the workshops that you feel you need to attend. 
If you are actively teaching this semester (Spring 2020), you will have access to all Moodle Training workshops. Registration information for the sessions will be provided soon. In addition, it will be mandatory  for all the assistants (araştırma görevlileri) to attend these trainings, as you will probably need their assistance, especially in your large scale courses. For those of you who are not teaching this semester, additional sessions will be organized in the coming months. Recorded copies of the workshops will also be accessible by all the faculty members. 
We thank you sincerely for your cooperation and understanding during these relatively hard times. 
Best regards,
Ali İ. Tekcan