Rector's Message for Fall 2020-21 Term (28.08.2020)

28 August 2020

Dear Students,

The planning we have been working on for some time regarding the Fall 2020-21 semester educational activities at our university has been finalized and the implementation plan has now been better shaped.

Due to the COVID 19-related changes made in the Spring 2020 academic calendar, we had to push further and revise the 2020-21 Fall semester academic calendar.

As previously announced, it has been decided that our classes will start on October 22, 2020. The course registration period has been brought forward so that students can make their dormitory applications following their registration. Accordingly, course registrations are between September 23-25, 2020. In addition, “only” for those newly accepted graduate students, first-time freshman students who can certify their English proficiency only after September 21, 2020, and for internal transfer students changing departments, the registration period is October 15-19, 2020

Based on substantial preparatory work and Senate meetings held throughout the summer, and the information provided by the departments, we can announce that the 2020-21 Fall semester will mainly be held remotely (online), but we will also have face-to-face classes (in classroom). The list of courses that will be held remotely (online) and those that will be held face to face (in classroom) has already been determined. The list will be announced in the week of August 31st and information about these courses will be available in the OBIKAS/BUIS registration system. The final exam of some of the online courses might be held in the classroom. Again, the information on these courses will also be included in the registration system and the announcement lists.

Applications to student dormitories will be made between September 26-28, 2020. Dormitory placements for the students will be prioritized based on the student needs.

For newly admitted students who passed the English language proficiency exam and needed to stay in the dormitory due to their on-campus course requirements, placement results will be announced on October 15, 2020. Since the English preparatory classes will be entirely online, our preparatory students will not be placed in dormitories in the Fall 2020-21 semester. These students will be able to apply for a dorm in the Spring semester in accordance with the plans to be determined based on the course of the pandemic.

Students who will participate in the courses to be carried out in the classroom or in the laboratory are required to fill out a COVID 19 Declaration Form on days that they will be on campus. The Declaration Form will be available for trial use in September. Access to our campuses will only be possible by filling out and submitting this form.

The suspected COVID 19-positive students will be directed to test centers or will be able to use the COVID 19 test infrastructure within our University. Until the test results are revealed, they will not be able to access the campuses. If a student living in a dorm is in this situation, s/he will be hosted in the isolation rooms to be provided in the dormitories until the test results are released. Those who test positive will be directed to health centers for treatment. In cases requiring outpatient treatment, these students will be able to stay in the quarantine dormitory on campus or leave the dormitory in a coordinated manner, if they wish to. Following the quarantine of our students who test positive, those who have come into contact with them will be determined through a contact tracing method, and will either be tested or directed to off-campus test centers.

Mask wearing and social distancing rules will be fully enforced at all times on campus. Cafeteria and canteens will continue their services in accordance with rules and instructions announced by The Ministry of Internal Affairs and The Ministry of Health.

Cultural and sports activities as well as student club activities can be carried out in a planned and coordinated manner by applying for permission in advance and taking the necessary health measures.

These COVID 19-related campus rules and measures shared with you here are subject to changes based on national authorities’ directives depending on how the pandemic conditions develop in the coming months.   

The new rules and regulations for the use of the University library and study rooms will be announced later.

I would like to remind you that all the measures listed above are valid for the Fall 2020-21 semester only. These rules and regulations will be re-evaluated and revised for the Spring 2020-21 term depending on how the pandemic dynamics change in the near future. You will be updated as conditions change.

In these hard times, it is utterly important for you to follow all these rules for your own health as well as the health and safety of your instructors’ and other members of our campus community.

I sincerely hope the conditions will return to normal shortly and we reunite again in healthy days.


Prof. Dr. Mehmed Özkan
