New registration period (ÖBIS)

1 September 2020

Dear Students,

Course Schedule for the Fall Term of the Academic Year 2020-2021, posted on the BUIS page (, now includes the information on the course delivery method for each course (online or classroom), as well as final exam location (again online or classroom) at the end of the term. Consult the syllabus if you see Not Applicable. Please check the schedule prior to choosing a course. Except for the courses with P/F grading system in the catalogue, all courses will be evaluated with letter grading (See: and

All students with the right to register (including those who will register to their degree programs for the first time and bring proof of their English proficiency by 21 September 2020) will have their registration between 23-25 September 2020. Students whose inter-university and Double Major Program/Minor Program applications that are not finalized by then should also register to the courses of their original departments. The dates are show below under section A).

Only and only newly admitted graduate students, students who will register to their degree programs for the first time and bring proof of their English proficiency after 21 September 2020 and inter-university transfer students will register to classes during the 15-19 October 2020. The dates are show below, under section B).

A)   Registration dates for all students with the right to register (including those who will register to their degree programs for the first time and bring proof of their English proficiency by 21 September 2020):

22 September 2020 Tuesday

Online registration payment system opens (10:00)

23-25 September 2020 Wednesday - Friday

Online registration period (for all students who have right to register)

23 September 2020 Wednesday

Registration system opens (10:00)

24 September 2020 Thursday

Student consultations with academic advisors

25 September 2020 Friday

Online registration payment system closes (17:00)

Registration system closes to students (23:59)

28 September 2020 Monday

Registration system closes to advisors (23:59)

29 September 2020 Tuesday

Online registration payment system opens (09:00), closes (17:00) (for students whose programs have been rejected by their advisors)

Registration system opens to students and advisors (10:00), closes to students (23:59) (for students whose programs have been rejected by their advisors)

30 September 2020 Wednesday

Registration system closes to advisors (23:59) (for students whose programs have been rejected by their advisors)

22 October 2020 Thursday

Classes begin

The rest of the academic calendar will be announced later

B)   Registration dates for newly admitted graduate students, students who will register to their degree programs for the first time and bring proof of their English proficiency after 21 September 2020 and inter-university transfer students:

14 October 2020 Wednesday

Online registration payment system opens (10:00)

15-19 October 2020 Thursday - Monday

Online registration period (for students with newly acquired right to register)

15 October 2020 Thursday

Registration system opens (10:00)

16 October 2020 Friday

Student consultations with academic advisor

19 October 2020 Monday

Online registration payment system closes (17:00)

Registration system closes to students (23:59)

20 October 2020 Tuesday

Registration system closes to advisors (23:59)

22 October 2020 Thursday

Classes begin

Online registration payment system opens (09:00), closes (17:00) (for students whose programs have been rejected by their advisors)

Registration system opens to students and advisors (10:00), closes to students (23:59) (for students whose programs have been rejected by their advisors)

23 October 2020 Friday

Registration system closes to advisors (23:59) (for students whose programs have been rejected by their advisors)

The rest of the academic calendar will be announced later.


Prof. Dr. Naz Zeynep Atay Gök
Vice Rector